Cat and dog laser therapy is a non-invasive, drug-free treatment for healing wounds and relieving pain in pets. Pets are known to hide their pain out of instinct, but this doesn’t mean they aren’t suffering. That’s why we are dedicated to helping our patients enjoy pain-free lives as much as possible. We know how much it can make a difference for them and their families. If your pet is in pain they might become depressed, gain weight due to diminished activity, and develop other health conditions as a result. When that pain is treated, your pet can regain their zest for life and enjoy better health overall.

How to Tell If Your Pet is in Pain
Because dogs and cats try to hide their pain, this makes it hard for their owners to tell if something is wrong. Try keeping an eye out for these signs, which could indicate acute or chronic pain:
Eating Less
Reluctant to play
Less sociable
Difficulty jumping
Slow getting up or lying down
Restless when trying to sleep
Licking or chewing at the same spot
Less sociable
Licking or chewing at the same spot
How Does Cat and Dog Laser Therapy Work?
Laser therapy is much more soothing and gentler than it sounds. Treatment involves using a handheld device to expose an affected area (such as a wound, bruise, or inflammation) to low-level infrared light beams, which, when absorbed into your pet’s skin and muscle tissue, help those tissues heal and become less painful. Your pet’s tissue cells metabolize the light particles, which spurs repair and cell growth. It’s a remarkable process that accelerates tissue healing and pain relief, and all your pet needs to do is sit or lie down and relax during treatment.
Our laser equipment is calibrated to meet each patient’s unique needs, considering the depth and extent of their condition, their skin and coat color, body weight, and more.